Holy Land USA Waterbury CT

March 19, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Since tomorrow is Palm Sunday I decided it would be a good time to take a ride up to Holy Land USA in Waterbury, CT. The last time (and first time) I came here was over 10 years ago, and it was already in a terrible state of disrepair. I'll have to dig up the few pictures I took from that trip (just prints from a film point and shoot lol). It definitely looks much worse now than I remember it being then. I have some vague memories of headless camels that were completely absent this time. Overall though it is a miracle that it's even still here at all 10+ years is a whole lot of time for vandals and the weather to do their worst. To me it was fascinating, as a photographer and lover of all things abandoned, and also sad that nothing could be done to save this quirky little place that seemed to be so lovingly made as a fun tribute to God. There is a bright side though. A few years ago a brand new cross was erected on the peak (with the help of my friend Dave and his Industrial Riggers) so at least a part of Holy Land shines brightly every night in all different colors depending on the season ♥

If you go, don't be an idiot and go alone like I did (Lots of people told me how dumb that was and I should have know myself. I think I lack the risk aversion gene.) Waterbury can be a rough place, and abandoned places by nature tend to also be rough places. Also please be respectful. Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.



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